Monday, May 14, 2007

No Time for the Laurels

Tomorrow at 10am, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Small Business, and Entrepreneurship will be hearing Senate Bills, 1272, 1277, and 1452. It is important that we contact the members of this committee and urge them to support these bills. I understand with the lack of notice, that individuals who prefer snail mail will be left out of the loop, but that shouldn’t stop the rest of us from contacting the Senate.

Chairman: R.C. Soles
Vice Chairman: David Hoyle
Vice Chairman: Tony Rand
Members: Tom Apodaca, Doug Berger, Phil Berger, Harris Blake, Julia Boseman, Walter Dalton, , Katie Dorsett, Tony Foriest, James Forrester, Linda Garrou, Eddie Goodall, Steve Goss, Malcolm Graham, Kay Hagan, Neal Hunt. Jim Jacumin, John Kerr, Vernon Malone, Floyd McKissick, Martin Nesbitt, Robert Pittenger, William Purcell, Larry Shaw, Richard Stevens

SUBJECT: Support SB 1272, 1277, 1452

Dear Sen. **Insert Senators Name**,

I am writing you to support Senate Bills, 1272, 1277, 1452. All of these bills directly respond to the biofuels industry of North Carolina. They have been referred to the Committee on Commerce, Small Business, and Entrepreneurship, of which, you are a member. They are slated for a hearing tomorrow at 10am. These are important bills and will directly affect North Carolina’s future as a leader in the biofuels industry. Vote Yes, on S 1272, 1277, and 1451.



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